Speaking at CloudBrew 2023

I am very pleased to announce that I will be joining my community brothers and sisters for the most excellent CloudBrew 2023 conference in Mechelen, on December 7-8, 2023. The event is organized by AZUG, the Belgium Microsoft Azure User Group – my very good friends in the community! #CloudBrew


Those who kow me are well aware that I live my professional life deeply into developer communities with the passion of my peers who cannot help but to share their tech-excitement. This conference is exactly that – community driven, knowledge sharing, deep geekery, and PASSION! I can stronly recommend attending this conference to learn, laugh and live the community high life!


My session will be the important topic of Turning Azure Platform recommendations into gold, which essentially reads “your cloud – only better”!


The journey toward the cloud never ends – because clouds are always in motion – and you need to constantly tune financial optimization, compliance , security and other knobs in the cloud. The data and services for you to optimise are already there, it’s just that I see a lot of cloud customers are not taking enough advantage. Bottom line is the difference between good and excellent, and that spells a-c-c-o-u-n-t-a-b-i-l-i-t-y! In my session I will walk through the data points provided by Azure, describe the posture we must take to drive success, and map out the targets ahead to a successful Cloud journey!

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