The best conferences are usually created by speakers and community heroes. This is a line I have been using for years. While it is likely that some of the best conferences are indeed set up this way, of course that does not mean other conferences can’t also be excellent. Speakers know first-hand that if you make the speakers feel very well received, they bring their absolute A-game, and that – in turn – makes everyone happy; sponsors and attendees.

Azure Lowlands is an excellent community conference organized by speakers and community leaders. The setup is at the excellent location DeFabrique which has such amazing ambiance and feeling. The BBQ party dinner is legend. The crew is always happy and accommodating. All good things that are the hallmark of a great show! Utrecht is also such a cozy and beautiful town with all those canals and quaint houses.

Some speakers goofing around that the speakers party

My session is a very important topic that aims to make people more aware on where to focus to make their Azure better – the Azure Platform collects all the data you need to optimise for cost control, compliance and security. Yet I see so often at customers that the data and the services that is already there for us to use is undervalued and often just neglected. I showed some real screen caps from – how bad it can get – of course scrubbing out the names of the company. The answer to the question “what to do about it” lies in digging in and learn about the services. The obvious place to start is!

Here are a few shots from my session “Turning Azure platform recommendations into gold”.

My stage setup for my session

Me starting my presentation at Azure Lowlands


I had a blast and I am very happy to have been there as part of the show! Strong recommendation to look up this conference next time if you have a chance! Thank you Azure Lowlands and hope to see you again some other year!

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