This week on The Cloud Show our guest star Lenn Pryor we cover a hugely important topic – leadership during the business ciritical and often times quite disruptive company cloud transformation.

Moving to the cloud can have no more cricical component than a steady crew steering the right way on the journey. At the helm, the corporate leaders, need to instill a sense of direction and collaboration, even duringt these times of great change. This is a difficiult and challenge of paramount importance to the success of the cloud initiative. Listen to Lenn dive into how to remain calm facing the storm!


VIEW THE EPISODE here below and follow the show for more!


The Cloud Show is the weekly show for leaders are impacted by cloud projects. Through short interviews with insightful guest Stars we penetrate important topics about cloud and leadership in cloud contexts. We know this show will help listeners potentially avoid some of the challenges that we have faced, or at least be better equipped to face the ardious journey that is the path to a successful cloud for your business!

Reach out to me if YOU want to be a gues on the Cloud Show, or if you know someone who would make a great guest star!

About the Show Star

Lenn Pryor is an excecutive coach and owner of Lagom Leadership. He is a long time team leader and coach with experience from a long row of major companies including but not limited to Microsoft, eBay and Skype.

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