Book the Cloud Show
March 07, 2025 13:38Hello there and welcome to be the STAR in an episode of my podcast the Cloud Show!
All you need is a single topic to discuss for twenty mintes and the lime light will be all yours!
This is a weekly live podcast featuring a conversation on one specific topic per episode, with a carefully balanced condense format. This provides a focused insight from the brain of a superstar on an important matter, while not being too cumbersome to consume. The same format makes it easy for you – the STAR of the episode – to appear because the whole thing only takes thirty minutes from your calendar.
The goal of your episode is for you to share with the world, something important, passionate, or top of mind, that you feel is relevant for a “leader in a Cloud Project” to know about! Of course a topic can bee deeply technical and wonderfully geeky. It can also be on adjacent matters, such as project management, team building, or personal health. Given the limited time of an episode, detailed demos are not in scope. That said, a lot of goodness can be shared in the time alotted.
How to get on the show
The easiest way is to book your own time slot on the show (you must use an M365 account)! If that fails you can simply reach out to me through any of the social media options here on this page (bottom left).
Some previous guests