I spoke at Swetugg conference in Stockholm on February 9th 2023. This conference is EXACTLY what community passion is all about. The conference is organized and run by community speakers with such a wonderful setup. The best conferences are run by people who are speakers themselves, and whom in this case I am happy to call my friends.

My session was on a very important topic which seems to be coming very much into focus lately: All the things that matter getting ready for the cloud journey that are just next to technology! Technology may be complicated, but is commonly straight forward. People however are NEVER straight forward! This is a VERY important conversation to have about the world we live in as technologist enthusiastic about Cloud!

Magnus profile on Swetugg

I hope to come back again to present at this awesome conference in my capital Stockholm! The conference was great. The food was great. The speakers were awesome, and I am proud to be one of them. Top level conference!


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